Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another Busy Day.

Hello again, I definately had a better night than last night but after waking up at about 1:30 pm. (slept from 9;30 to 1:30), I had trouble falling back to sleep for any exteded period of time. When morning finally came, I had a pleasant chat with my room mate Sybil who has since left, went for a chest xray, had some physio, enjoyed a visit from Betty and John from Ottawa, went for a Doppler Untrasoud on my legs, ate the delicious veggies and dip and fruit from B & J and had some more physio. I really do not know what happened to the day. Tonight Jess and Rick came and Chris is on his way as we speak.

The new pain killers definately helped with the pain but caused dizziness. We have therefroe decded on a difference pain killer which I will take every six hours. Hopefully this will do the trick withough causing dizziness.

Until next time.

Love, Marilyn


Anonymous said...


You sound more yourself today. I'm glad you enjoyed some healthy food.
I was busy at work today too (fiscal year end rush). Didn't have a minute to check the blog until I got home. So glad to hear you had a productive day too. Keep it up!
Love, Iro

Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn

Glad to hear that everything is going great, and that you are getting better. Can't wait to see the new Marilyn. And i also agree with anolder comment which Jean had left, we should have a teacher race at the our summer fair.

Take care