Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's over!!!

Hi everybody!

The surgery was over at 11:30 and I feel perfectly wonderful, I can hardly believe it!

We arrived at the hospital at 6:15am. I was feeling very anxious. After changing, talking to the nurse, and reviewing my present health my surgeon arrived with some disappointing news. She had promised me the new and improved prosthesis which she had applied for and this morning she told me it was rejected. She informed me that in three months it would become available and though it's being used at other hospitals, this hospital doesn't use it as of yet. She said she had to tell me this for legal purposes but could not give me her personal opinion. I think that's really unprofessional to tell someone this when they're sitting ready for the surgery, but what could I do? I was mentally ready to do it now, and I want to be healthy for the wedding, so I decided to go ahead with it.

I was then escorted into the epidural room where they started with an IV in a very painless fashion.. first they froze it which was nice. I've had rough experiences with IV in the past so this was nice. They asked me to sit up and lean over with my shoulders relaxed and they proceeded to give me an epidural in the lower back. They had to do three tries to get it perfect... once was on the left, once on the right, and the third try was perfect.

The epidural worked instantaneously. I was then wheeled into the operating room where they transfered me onto a bed and began surgery.

I must have slept for a little while because when I woke up it was probably closer to the middle of the operation. I couldn't feel anything in my lower half, but I was aware and listened to the casual chit chat of the doctors as well as the hammering and sawing of the procedure. I felt perfectly relaxed with no pain and kind of happy that I wasn't out of it. There was a screen in front of me so I couldn't see anything, but I could see the lights and things around me. Nobody really realized I was awake, I don't think.

I was then wheeled into the recovery room where I was treated like a queen! Everybody hovered around me checking to see whether I had any sensation in my lower half using a bag of ice. And, I definitely feel nothing from the hips down. They warn you about all these things like getting my lungs working, the possibility of having a blood transfusions, etc. I needed none of it. My surgeon came by and said, "you really needed it!" And that it was fine.

After an hour in recovery I was wheeled to my room and soon after Chris and Jess arrived. The nurse came by to check my vitals. I have automatic pain relief and a little pump to give myself a top up if I need it. But so far so good. The nurse informed me that my particular doctor prescribes clear fluids only for the first few days so I'm bound to win the biggest loser contest this week!! Watch out family - I'm a force to be reckoned with!

Right now, a little twinge of pain in my left knee has just begun. The lovely yellow button has just been pressed. Who knows what I'm up for, but I have a feeling the worst is yet to come.

Send me your comments! I love comments!

Until next time!



Chris said...

You are doing great. great spirit, great attitude. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mar, you have done it. now we hope the recovery goes as smooth as possible,
love ya.
your friends Nikki and Oleg

Judy Saunders said...

I'm so glad that everything went well. You'll be out-dancing everybody at the wedding!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,
I'm so happy the surgery went well and I hope only the best for you to come!
Technology these days, huh? These docs can do anything!

Happy recovery,