Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 6 - update from Jess

I know my mom has already posted today but I thought I'd give you an update from my perspective.

She's seeing real improvement from a few days ago. She can now get out of bed and use the short walker to get to the washroom without any assistance. She can kind of reposition her legs in various ways so that she can lie on her sides, and she can sit in a raised chair for short periods of time with her knees bent-ish.

She is still suffering from quite a bit of pain. As she mentioned, she was experiencing dizzyness earlier so she switched to some different pain killer and this new one doesn't seem to be hacking it.

I think today it was pretty clear that the novelty of the hospital stay was wearing thin on everyone. She's tired of lousy sleeps and of being away from home, and we're tired too.

Happily, it's expected that she'll be able to go home this weekend sometime, Saturday the earliest I suspect. While she's been away my father has been busy supervising some renovations that have basically messed up the entire main floor of the house. There is certainly no room for a safe walker route, so that's going to need clearing up sometime soon. Gah!

Guess that's it for now. Hope everyone's well out there!

Know anyone who is going through or has been through knee replacement surgery? Share the blog! Might as well let these bionic folk help each other out.



Anonymous said...

Yes its hard on everyone.Marilyn has it the worst in that she has to think about how to get t the washroom, for example. any of us just go there, do our stuff and get back.

While all this hopsital stuff is going on, we have had the carpets ripped up in the living room - dining room (which means packing up these rooms (Jess, Rick and Carina helped alot), move all the furniture of these rooms and my office out into the hallways, laundry room, upstairs, downstairs, taping the modem and router to the wall etc. My computers are in the family room middle of the room, and on the kitchen table with all kinds of stuff piled all around.

The dogs are being ignored, sort of. I just hired a painter to do the rooms and tlaked the sander guys oh ya, fllors being sanded and stained so the house smells alot with 3 coats of varnish-verathan (sp) applied, 24 hours drying time beween coats.

Did I mention choosing the col,ors for the painting in24 hours.

Did I also mention my project where I am doing a 100 page White paper on pharmacy/pharmqacists and a profile of a major pharma company all due this week. with an accompanying power point presentation of over 100 slides.

Wash the floors, do some laundry, get a parking ticket downtown and now I should worry abou nmy diet as well.

No stress in my life.

I hope everything returns to normal before Marilyn comes home. As stressfulas the hpospital is, it is clean and does not smell of paint, varnish or doggie.

get well soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn & Chris,
Wow, it doesn't rain but it pours with you guys - actually it rains too. You guys are always busy. But who are we to speak - our house always seems to be 1/3 under renovation. Anyway, I'm sure glad to see Marilyn can make it to the loo on her own steam. But, at this point the "fed up factor" must be creeping in. You must just want to feel normal again and in your own home. It's just around the corner. Hang in there!
This will be a distant memory sooner than you think.
Love, Iro