Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 4 - update from Jess

My poor mom isn't too happy this morning. I just got off the phone with her and it sounds like she had a rough night of sleeping on and off. The fever and the pain and the stiffness and the total dependence on others is starting to really get to her.

I can't imagine how it must be to be constantly stuck in your house or in bed day in and day out. She's only on day four and yet it seems she's really had enough!

We're trying to do what we can to keep her spirits high and one thing YOU can do is leave a comment here on the blog or send an email of support. You can write a comment by clicking on the bottom right link of this post that says "comments" and you needn't register for an account or anything else. Just a quick hello will make her happy!!

Thanks for all the support you have already been sending - it certainly does make a difference to know people are rooting for you and thinking about you! I can't wait, and I'm sure she can't either, until she's able to get up and get around by herself. That will really make all the difference.

Take care!



Unknown said...

Hi Marilyn,
Glad the surgery is over and hopefully you are well on your way to recovery. We know that it has been a difficult few days not to mention a difficult few years but hopefully the worse is over and you will progress slowly and surely each day. You are in our thoughts and remember we hope to dance with you at the wedding. Beatrice and Lew

Anonymous said...

HI Marilyn,
One thing that I have found is that after surgery every day is better than the one before in some identifiable way. Being dependent and confined is certainly no fun but it helps to identify that one thing, and hopefully more, that is better than yesterday. It won't take long before there will be big improvements that you won't even have to look for.
I'm thinking of you.

Robin N said...
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Robin N said...

Hi Marilyn!

Robby here! I'm sorry to hear you've had a bad night, but from Jessy's reports it sounds like you've got a determined and upbeat attitude, and with that I'm sure recovery can't be far off! As they say over here in ol' blimey -- chin up! (well, ok,i've never actually had anyone say that to me personally, but it seems like something these 'ere blokes would say.)

I've only just read this blog today as I've been in more or less complete seclusion for the past three weeks, trying to stitch together something resembling a dissertation of 15,000 words. It's been tough going and I wrote faster than I ever have in my life (or ever wish to again). I spent 10-12 hours a day in the library, without internet (I was so cut off that i only heard about the Burma crisis through a text i received on my mobile soliciting for donations.) Now i've a completed first draft and have a week to edit it. Smooth sailing to the end I should think!

So, I've relaxed a bit and come across your blog. What a great idea! It was also really nice for me to hear your voices on the video -- Post another when you feel up to it!

I haven't checked yet to see whether my mom's managed to post here, but I did just speak with her on Skype. She was very concerned about you, Marilyn, and asked after you quite a bit. She told me to make sure to wish you a speedy recovery next time i spoke to Jessy -- but why not send the wishes direct :) Really, I'd say you've got the whole Nobel clan thinking of you and rooting for you every step (I can't be the first to use that pun here, can I?) of the way!

Sending so much love and support, kisses and hugs from across the pond, XX Robby

ps, looks like I'll be back in NA on July 16 (the National Yiddish Book Center is flying me out for an interview -- whoo!)

Emilio said...

Hi Marilyn,
I am sure you wil get very well soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,
It's great to be able to pop in here and see how you are doing. We've certainly been thinking about you! It might feel like a bit of a slog right now, but remember it will all be worth it in the end!
Keep improving!
Gaynor, Mike, Finnan and Leif