Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Long, Slow Day!

Hello again my friends.

Today was a long, slow day. I think I must plan an outing each day to get me motivated and prevent headaches.

Once again I was up early, took my pills, had breakfast and did my excersizes. Needless to say that caused extreme stiffness in my knees, but I decided I wasn't going to sleep the day away so I did some reading and started to look for private physio as the OHIP physio first appt. is not until June 19th. I think that is too long to wait for physio. So I contacted the Ontario Physio Assoc. and they helped me find a listing of physios in my neighbourhood. She said that OHIP phsios are paid $12 hrly and are far too busy and rushed to do a good job. That is really too bad. So I will keep the 19th appt. but hopefully hear back from the private physio who I left a message for to get started on the right foot or should I say both feet. I am feeling a little impatient right now as I am sensing that the left leg is not bending as well as the right and I do not yet see the benefits of the excersizes excpet that I can function like a stick man. Although the excersizes are supposed to help, they seem to cause more stiffness and I feel like I am starting all over the next day. Only time will tell.

By 3:00 I was exhausted and really felt like I needed to sleep so I guess cutting out the morning siesta was probably not the best idea. I decided to have an afternoon nap and asked Chris to hold all phone calls. But of course the phone did not stop ringing thus causing a very restless sleep. Ugh! When I woke up at 6:00 I was very stiff and had a headache. I think I will go back to the morning nap tomorrow.

The doctor called back with the results of my blood test and said that I have to have 1 additional mg. of blood thinner and come back for another test on Monday.

The good and not so good news is that my appetite is better so now I will have to go back to using will power to lose weight and not and not depend on loss of appetite.

Does anyone know where one can purchase 12 " long sterile bandages and TED stockings? I am having trouble find a supplier.

Tomorrow my friend Lydia is coming to babysit for me as Chris has a meetng to go to. Perhaps we will go out for a pedicure. I am having trouble reaching my toes. Thanks Lydia. Looking forward to seeing you.

We are now off to the pharmacy to get the additional mg of Warfarin and maybe off to the closest Rexall Pharmacy. They are quite fancy and might carry the bandages and stockings which I need.

Until tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,
Just caught up on your blog. I enjoyed reading your description of the concert. Good that you're getting out of the house too. It's been grey and rainy this week in Montreal, but they're promising warmer even hot weather by this weekend. I hope it's bright and sunny for you in Toronto.
Love, Iro

Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying your blog. I hope you get my comment...It was great talking to you on the phone.Tonight I saw the movie Sex and the city..I must say it was sexy. but we did enjoy it.It should be r r rated. Keep up the good work...LOve ya!!!!!Yvette

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments Iro and Yvette.

For those of you who do not know my friends, Iro is an old friend from my kids daycare days. Those were the days when her Lizzie and my Ricky were inseperable. I can still remember the day when Patrick and Iro came nervously to my office to inquire about daycare for their precious little infant. The relationship blossomed from their and they are now like family.

Yvette is my very special cousin from Silver Spring's MD. She can tell me stories about my her, my mom and my aunt at the beach in Atlantic City and shares every special occasion, happy or sad, with us. Although we don't see eachother often, the love and history holds us tight and keeps the family close.

I am glad you are both enjoying my blog. Thanks for the comments.

Love, Marilyn

Jessica said...

Hopefully today was better than yesterday, Mom! I'll be visiting tomorrow if my cold gets any better! I hope, I hope!!

