Monday, June 23, 2008

Since back in Toronto

We got home from Montreal on Saturday afternoon just on time to pick up the dogs at the kennel. I was so tired that I slept from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. and then got up for supper.

I decided that it is time to begin weaning myself off the pain medication as I felt that I should do this gradually between now and the six week mark so that I am able to begin driving a week from this coming Thursday. So on Saturday night I eliminated the hydormorphone and and on Sunday morning I took my usual two tramacets and did not bother with the gravol because I assumed it was the hydormorphone that caused the nausia. I began to feel nautious so I took a half a gravol on Sunday afternoon. This morning I took only one tramacet but by noon my knees were so stiff and sore that I could not manage and I was also feeling hot and cold and quite tired and nautious. I was not feeling well at all today. This afternoon I took two tramacets and a half a gravol, but still did not feel much better. Tomorrow being my first physio day, I felt I really needed to get back to feeling flexible and more energetic so I took the usual one hydromorphone, two tramacets and a half a gravol at 6:00 pm. and will do the same at midnight and at 6:00 a.m.. I should feel ship shape by the morning by 10:30 when I go for physio.
I will call the doctor tomorrow to see when and how I should be coming off the drugs. It will be five weeks by Thursday and I thought I should be able to manage by then. Ugh. I hope I am not becoming addicted to these drugs. It is quite amazing how well they work. We shall see.

Until tomorrow.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hi Mom,

It is amazing how dependent you become on the pain meds without really feeling them affecting your mood, etc.

Have you been reading the message boards? what do those people say about when they go off their pain meds?

Good luck and keep truckin'!