Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stiff and Sore

The last two days have my knees have been stiffer and sorer than they have been in a while. I am not sure whether it is because I am more able to do the stretches and the bends when I do my excersizes, thus causing more stress on the muscles, joints and surrounding area of the knees. I called the surgeon today as I felt like I was experiencing more pain than I have had in the last two weeks and the only thing she could offer was that if I felt it was caused by a blood clot, it was best to go straight to an emergency ward where they can quickly do a doppler ultrasound test. As my pain was not in my calves or in my chest I ruled out a blood clot and decided that I need to continue moving. When I sit or lie down for an extended period of time, my legs get very stiff and hot so today I made sure to get up and down regularly and did not take a nap. Indeed I do feel better tonight.

Tomorrow I finally have my appt. at the St. John's rehab for my first official physio which I have been waiting for and have more confidence in than the physio I found on the net. After that Chris has a meeting and we, Chris, Jess and I, are then on our way to Montreal unfortunately for an unexpected funeral. My very special Aunt Ethel who I have admired and adored for many many years since I was a young child (my mom's sister) passed away after a short but aggressive illness which took her life so quickly that I regret I did not have a chance to see her one more time. Fortunately, we spent lots of time with her when my Mom passed away and she was feeling quite fine at that time. We had planned a visit to Montreal for next weekend to see my father and as well my aunt, friends and family and then to go to St. Jean, Que. for Chris's High School Reunion. Unfortunately we are on our way tomorrow for the funeral which will be on Friday. This has certainly been a challenging year in more ways than one.

So off to pack and get the dogs ready for the vet. Tomorrow will be a very long day as I we will have to stop every hour to be sure that I walk around and keep the circulation going in my legs.

Until next time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Between trying to get myself ready, plan the dogs being dropped off and going to the rehab centre with you, tomorrow is going to be a very tiring day. I am glad that Jess will be with us so that we can share the driving. stopping every hour for a quick jog will be evry time consuming. Let's nhope the traffic will be OK.
Otherwise, Marilyn is doing great. Hard to imagine that 3 weeks ago she could not walk at all.

Go Girl Go....
