Hello Everyone,
Well we were in Montreal for the weekend, firstly to assist my Dad in going to the notary to take care of the transfer of the house from my mom's name to his and then to go to St. Jean, Que. for my husband's high school reunion.
After going to the lawyer and notary, we met up with my Dad and son Brian to take a drive to see Brian's new apt. and new location of his new business. We then went out for dinner and got back to the house not too late.
Poor Chris had to do all the driving and we were quite tired, but we had promised Marlene and Charles that we would see them sometime during the weekend so off to La Belle Province for some much needed late night snacks of steamy hot dogs and fries. There is nothing like a Montreal steamy and of course the fries. I am sure they cannot be trans fat free, but we were good and shared two orders between the four of us. I was even better and passed on the hot dog and had a cup of tea. I don't want to ruin my recently new leaner look.
I don't even want to tell you how many years since Chris graduated from high school, but it was really amazing to see the bond between these people who lived in a small town and went to a very small school. Most of the students spent their elemenatary and high school years together. There were only 250 children in the entire school so compared to the school I went to which had 2500 students, it was a lot of fun to hear all the stories and memories of the past. Of course we ate too much but a good time was had by all.
On the way back to Toronto, Iro and Patrick invited us up for lamb kabobs and roasted vegetables. We couldn't resist, as if we were hungry, but as it was on our way we took a detour and enjoyed seeing them and catching up and were on the road home at 2:30. The ride home seemed long and tedious and we go hit my a rain storm around Kingston, but we made good time and arrived home at 8:00 p.m.
Our friend Michael had invited us for a BBQ and although we were quite tired by that time, we didn't want to disappoint him and went over there at 8:30. Thanks Michael, it was yummy and we enjoyed our visit.
I suppose you are all wondering how my knees are doing. Well, although I feel quite able to move around and manage quite fine with one cane, I am feeling a little impatient because I tried to wean off the pain meds again by reducing each medication by a half from Saturday night until this morning. I realized that there was no way I was going to be able to do my physio excersizes today, so in the middle of the night I upt the meds to the full dose again. I have joined a knee surgery forum on line and sent in a question to the other members asking them how long it takes to get off the meds and they replied between 4 and 6 months. That is really too bad. I guess I was anticipating the rehab to continue on a positive course as quickly as it did in the first few weeks. But I guess that is not a practical expectation. I am looking foreward to speaking to the surgeon on Wednesday. I have my six week appt. at 2:15 on Wednesday and am anxious to hear what she has to say about my progress and what I can expect in the future. I also have some numbness and tingling in my feet so I am concerned about this. I have an apt. with a neurologist to see what could be causing this problem. Fortunately it is not painful, but it is certainly annoying so I am anxious to get to the bottom of this.
When I am on the full dose of pain meds, I think I get a false confidence that I am doing great, but when I reduce them, my knees get very tight and sore and I am an accident waiting to happen. Going up and down the stairs and standing from a sitting position becomes really painful and the pain changes from minute to minute. I realize that if I lie around and rest too much, it gets worse so I am trying to keep moving and keep active as much as possible. The pain killers also make me feel more tired and cause constipation so I was really hopeful that I could get off them as soon as possible. I will have to see what the doctor says. I think she will probably say that if I need the meds to do you excersizes and to move around safely, I should continue to take them. Getting full mobility is of utmost imporatance at this time so I am thinking that I will need to rely on the meds a little longer, hopefully not too long.
I will update again after my 6 week check up.
Until then.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Back to Physio and off to Montreal
Today was a run of the mill day. I got up, had breakfast, did my excersize, rested, had lunch, rested and then went downtown to visit Jess for dinner.
On our way we stopped off at the daycare as Natasha had let me know that there was something my daughter could pick up for me , but since I was right there, I picked it up and was happy to see Ashley, Shanna and Danielle and a few of the parents. The teachers put together a beautiful basket full of chocolates, candies, cookies, crackers, soups, etc. etc. etc. What a lovely idea. So much for my diet, but I definately saw a trend towards whole grain and a healthy effort. Thanks so much to all of the Life-Bridge staff. That was really so thoughtful and I will think of you all as I much my way through all the yummy treats. I just enjoyed a yummy score bar.
After that we strolled over to Jess's place and she served us a lovely dinner of chilli and salad and fruit for dessert. We had a lovely time, chatting, sitting on the porch, watching TV and finally got tired and were on our way.
Tomorrow it is off to physio in the morning, the hair dresser at noon and then packing to get ready for our trip to Montreal on Friday. We were not supposed to go last weekend, but due to the funeral it turns out we are in Montreal two week ends in a row. We will be going with my father to the notary to finalize my mother's transfer of property and then on Saturday we are going to Chris's high school reunion in St Jean, Quebec. We will have to leave early as we do not have Jess to share the driving so we will have to stop to let Chris have a snooze half way there.
Next Wednesday I see my surgeon and will find out when and how to wean off the pain meds.
Until next time. How about some comments from all of my viewers. I am wondering if anyone other than Jess, Chris and Iro are reading my blog. Look foward to hearing from you.
On our way we stopped off at the daycare as Natasha had let me know that there was something my daughter could pick up for me , but since I was right there, I picked it up and was happy to see Ashley, Shanna and Danielle and a few of the parents. The teachers put together a beautiful basket full of chocolates, candies, cookies, crackers, soups, etc. etc. etc. What a lovely idea. So much for my diet, but I definately saw a trend towards whole grain and a healthy effort. Thanks so much to all of the Life-Bridge staff. That was really so thoughtful and I will think of you all as I much my way through all the yummy treats. I just enjoyed a yummy score bar.
After that we strolled over to Jess's place and she served us a lovely dinner of chilli and salad and fruit for dessert. We had a lovely time, chatting, sitting on the porch, watching TV and finally got tired and were on our way.
Tomorrow it is off to physio in the morning, the hair dresser at noon and then packing to get ready for our trip to Montreal on Friday. We were not supposed to go last weekend, but due to the funeral it turns out we are in Montreal two week ends in a row. We will be going with my father to the notary to finalize my mother's transfer of property and then on Saturday we are going to Chris's high school reunion in St Jean, Quebec. We will have to leave early as we do not have Jess to share the driving so we will have to stop to let Chris have a snooze half way there.
Next Wednesday I see my surgeon and will find out when and how to wean off the pain meds.
Until next time. How about some comments from all of my viewers. I am wondering if anyone other than Jess, Chris and Iro are reading my blog. Look foward to hearing from you.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Since back in Toronto
We got home from Montreal on Saturday afternoon just on time to pick up the dogs at the kennel. I was so tired that I slept from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. and then got up for supper.
I decided that it is time to begin weaning myself off the pain medication as I felt that I should do this gradually between now and the six week mark so that I am able to begin driving a week from this coming Thursday. So on Saturday night I eliminated the hydormorphone and and on Sunday morning I took my usual two tramacets and did not bother with the gravol because I assumed it was the hydormorphone that caused the nausia. I began to feel nautious so I took a half a gravol on Sunday afternoon. This morning I took only one tramacet but by noon my knees were so stiff and sore that I could not manage and I was also feeling hot and cold and quite tired and nautious. I was not feeling well at all today. This afternoon I took two tramacets and a half a gravol, but still did not feel much better. Tomorrow being my first physio day, I felt I really needed to get back to feeling flexible and more energetic so I took the usual one hydromorphone, two tramacets and a half a gravol at 6:00 pm. and will do the same at midnight and at 6:00 a.m.. I should feel ship shape by the morning by 10:30 when I go for physio.
I will call the doctor tomorrow to see when and how I should be coming off the drugs. It will be five weeks by Thursday and I thought I should be able to manage by then. Ugh. I hope I am not becoming addicted to these drugs. It is quite amazing how well they work. We shall see.
Until tomorrow.
I decided that it is time to begin weaning myself off the pain medication as I felt that I should do this gradually between now and the six week mark so that I am able to begin driving a week from this coming Thursday. So on Saturday night I eliminated the hydormorphone and and on Sunday morning I took my usual two tramacets and did not bother with the gravol because I assumed it was the hydormorphone that caused the nausia. I began to feel nautious so I took a half a gravol on Sunday afternoon. This morning I took only one tramacet but by noon my knees were so stiff and sore that I could not manage and I was also feeling hot and cold and quite tired and nautious. I was not feeling well at all today. This afternoon I took two tramacets and a half a gravol, but still did not feel much better. Tomorrow being my first physio day, I felt I really needed to get back to feeling flexible and more energetic so I took the usual one hydromorphone, two tramacets and a half a gravol at 6:00 pm. and will do the same at midnight and at 6:00 a.m.. I should feel ship shape by the morning by 10:30 when I go for physio.
I will call the doctor tomorrow to see when and how I should be coming off the drugs. It will be five weeks by Thursday and I thought I should be able to manage by then. Ugh. I hope I am not becoming addicted to these drugs. It is quite amazing how well they work. We shall see.
Until tomorrow.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A Rough Day
The knees did fine but the heart was in pain. Coming to Montreal was my first road trip with my new knees. We stopped frequently to be sure I didn't get too stiff and my circulation was in good order. Jess came with us and thankfully shared the drivng with Chris as I am not yet able to drive - only two more weeks of this nonsense.
Sadly the purpose of this trip was for the funeral of my mother's sister Ethel , who passed away only three months after my mother. She was the elder of the two sisters but the healthy one in their later years. Ethel called my parents every night and as my Mom became frail she continued to check up on her every night and was the strength of the family. She always made everyone feel special and was always happy and supportive about everyone's accomplishments. After my mother died, she continued to check in on my father and he, being sometimes meloncholy and not interested in people, actually looked forward to her phone calls. We knew her health was waning when the phone calls stopped. In less than a week the cancer that burdened her body over the last several months took its toll. No one could believe how suddenly she became frail and quckly passed away. What a loss. I feel like I have lost my fan club. My mom and my aunt both so close together. Two of my strongest supporters, the ones who know me forever and who genuinely cared about me, my life and my family. That 9:00 phone call is sorely missed. She leaves behind her a large and loving family of a husband (of 68 years - their anniversary celebrated the day before she died), sons, daugher-in-laws, grandchildren and great grand children full of tears and sorrow. Hopefully her cheerful laugh and her kind and caring sentiments will soon erase the tears and turn into fond memeories of a women so much loved by everyone she knew.
It was a rough day and today we are heading back to Toronto as life must go on. Good bye Auntie Ethel. Hopefully you and my Mom are now reunited and in a better place.
Until tomorrow.
The above photo is of my aunt, my parents, and my mother outside our first house in Dollard.

It was a rough day and today we are heading back to Toronto as life must go on. Good bye Auntie Ethel. Hopefully you and my Mom are now reunited and in a better place.
Until tomorrow.
The above photo is of my aunt, my parents, and my mother outside our first house in Dollard.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Stiff and Sore
The last two days have my knees have been stiffer and sorer than they have been in a while. I am not sure whether it is because I am more able to do the stretches and the bends when I do my excersizes, thus causing more stress on the muscles, joints and surrounding area of the knees. I called the surgeon today as I felt like I was experiencing more pain than I have had in the last two weeks and the only thing she could offer was that if I felt it was caused by a blood clot, it was best to go straight to an emergency ward where they can quickly do a doppler ultrasound test. As my pain was not in my calves or in my chest I ruled out a blood clot and decided that I need to continue moving. When I sit or lie down for an extended period of time, my legs get very stiff and hot so today I made sure to get up and down regularly and did not take a nap. Indeed I do feel better tonight.
Tomorrow I finally have my appt. at the St. John's rehab for my first official physio which I have been waiting for and have more confidence in than the physio I found on the net. After that Chris has a meeting and we, Chris, Jess and I, are then on our way to Montreal unfortunately for an unexpected funeral. My very special Aunt Ethel who I have admired and adored for many many years since I was a young child (my mom's sister) passed away after a short but aggressive illness which took her life so quickly that I regret I did not have a chance to see her one more time. Fortunately, we spent lots of time with her when my Mom passed away and she was feeling quite fine at that time. We had planned a visit to Montreal for next weekend to see my father and as well my aunt, friends and family and then to go to St. Jean, Que. for Chris's High School Reunion. Unfortunately we are on our way tomorrow for the funeral which will be on Friday. This has certainly been a challenging year in more ways than one.
So off to pack and get the dogs ready for the vet. Tomorrow will be a very long day as I we will have to stop every hour to be sure that I walk around and keep the circulation going in my legs.
Until next time.
Tomorrow I finally have my appt. at the St. John's rehab for my first official physio which I have been waiting for and have more confidence in than the physio I found on the net. After that Chris has a meeting and we, Chris, Jess and I, are then on our way to Montreal unfortunately for an unexpected funeral. My very special Aunt Ethel who I have admired and adored for many many years since I was a young child (my mom's sister) passed away after a short but aggressive illness which took her life so quickly that I regret I did not have a chance to see her one more time. Fortunately, we spent lots of time with her when my Mom passed away and she was feeling quite fine at that time. We had planned a visit to Montreal for next weekend to see my father and as well my aunt, friends and family and then to go to St. Jean, Que. for Chris's High School Reunion. Unfortunately we are on our way tomorrow for the funeral which will be on Friday. This has certainly been a challenging year in more ways than one.
So off to pack and get the dogs ready for the vet. Tomorrow will be a very long day as I we will have to stop every hour to be sure that I walk around and keep the circulation going in my legs.
Until next time.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Father's Day
Hi Everyone,
Finally I am taking the time to tell you all about yesterday, Father's Day. I don't know where the time goes, but yesterday just zipped by. We had made arrangements to have a Father's Day BBQ for Carina's family and ours so we started off the day by first getting my excersizes out of the way as I knew it would be a busy afternoon with everyone arriving at 5:00 p.m.
Jess, Carina and Rick arrived early to help out with the preparation, getting the house tidied up and setting up for the BBQ. They were a great help and Carina was my physiotherapist for my second set of excersizes by pushing my legs in as far as I could tolerate ten times on each leg and then helping me stretch them straight also ten times each. Chris, Rick and Jess went out shopping and Carina and I took the opportunity to nap while they were out. When they returned we had one hour to get all the food ready and the table set and we certainly were a great team. I could not have done it without them.
We had a lovely BBQ and enjoyed some delicious cakes for dessert and chatted away after having to come in due to heavy rain and wind that started just as we were about to have dessert.
It was a very nice Father's Day. Thanks Rick, Carina and Jess for helping out so much and thanks Emilio, Alex and Marcela for joining us. We had a great time.
More about today later.
Finally I am taking the time to tell you all about yesterday, Father's Day. I don't know where the time goes, but yesterday just zipped by. We had made arrangements to have a Father's Day BBQ for Carina's family and ours so we started off the day by first getting my excersizes out of the way as I knew it would be a busy afternoon with everyone arriving at 5:00 p.m.
Jess, Carina and Rick arrived early to help out with the preparation, getting the house tidied up and setting up for the BBQ. They were a great help and Carina was my physiotherapist for my second set of excersizes by pushing my legs in as far as I could tolerate ten times on each leg and then helping me stretch them straight also ten times each. Chris, Rick and Jess went out shopping and Carina and I took the opportunity to nap while they were out. When they returned we had one hour to get all the food ready and the table set and we certainly were a great team. I could not have done it without them.
We had a lovely BBQ and enjoyed some delicious cakes for dessert and chatted away after having to come in due to heavy rain and wind that started just as we were about to have dessert.
It was a very nice Father's Day. Thanks Rick, Carina and Jess for helping out so much and thanks Emilio, Alex and Marcela for joining us. We had a great time.
More about today later.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A Very Busy Day
Yesterday was a very busy day. While Chris went to fitness, I did my excersizes.
Although I had decided to cut out some of my pain medication, we thought we would try to do some shopping for our Father's Day BBQ happening today.
We also needed a new umbrella for our deck as ours is very old and torn.
So off we went to the cleaners, bank, Gracious Living for the umbrella and off to Loblaws for groceries. I was amazed at how well I was able to walk and get in and out of the car, even with less pain medication. As the day progressed I definately felt more pain but it was not unbearable. We got home at about 3:00 and I was ready to crash. I iced my knees and had a little nap. We had a dinner date with our friends Marion and Emile and one distinct side effect of less pain med was probably the increased pain affected my appetite. I could barely eat any of my meal which is one thing I did noticed in the hospital. Nothing lost. I took home my meal and have a yummy pasta lunch waiting from me in the fridge.
Today, Emilio, Carina's dad, her brother and sister, Carina, Rick, and Jess are coming over for a Father's Day BBQ. I think I will take my usual pain med so I don't run into the same problem as yesterday. It is clear that if I want to do my excersize, I must continue my pain meds. As I cannot drive for six weeks after surgery (3 1/2 more weeks), it seems appropriate to continue the narcotics. After the six week period, I will want to drive and will probably then find it more important to wean off the meds. Hopefully I am able to. We shall see.
Time for my excersize.
Until tomorrow.
Although I had decided to cut out some of my pain medication, we thought we would try to do some shopping for our Father's Day BBQ happening today.
We also needed a new umbrella for our deck as ours is very old and torn.
So off we went to the cleaners, bank, Gracious Living for the umbrella and off to Loblaws for groceries. I was amazed at how well I was able to walk and get in and out of the car, even with less pain medication. As the day progressed I definately felt more pain but it was not unbearable. We got home at about 3:00 and I was ready to crash. I iced my knees and had a little nap. We had a dinner date with our friends Marion and Emile and one distinct side effect of less pain med was probably the increased pain affected my appetite. I could barely eat any of my meal which is one thing I did noticed in the hospital. Nothing lost. I took home my meal and have a yummy pasta lunch waiting from me in the fridge.
Today, Emilio, Carina's dad, her brother and sister, Carina, Rick, and Jess are coming over for a Father's Day BBQ. I think I will take my usual pain med so I don't run into the same problem as yesterday. It is clear that if I want to do my excersize, I must continue my pain meds. As I cannot drive for six weeks after surgery (3 1/2 more weeks), it seems appropriate to continue the narcotics. After the six week period, I will want to drive and will probably then find it more important to wean off the meds. Hopefully I am able to. We shall see.
Time for my excersize.
Until tomorrow.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13,2008
Hello Everyone,
Sorry about posting the heading and omitting the content. Here it is.
Friday was another lovely day. Jess made banana, strawberry smoothies for breakfast after which I did my excersize and Jess swept the deck of all the twirlies whcih fell from the trees. Jess went off to the gym while I waited for a repair man to come. By the time Jess got back we were ready for lunch and off to the hairdresser. Chris returned home shortly after we did and I did my second set of excersizes and got ready to meet Lynda and Nathan for dinner and a movie. Sitting in the movie was long and my legs became very stiff. I guess I have to remember to get up once every hour to walk around a bit. I actually got a third set of excersizes in when we returned and felt quite accomplished.
Now it is probably time to cut back on the narcotics to see how I can manage. This morning I took only one tramacet and one hydoromorphone but now I am putting ice on my knees in preparation for excersize and I took a second tramacet because I can feel the stiffness in my knees and I know it will be difficult to do the excersizes. I will try to eliminate the hydormorphone at noon and see howI feel.
Until later today.
Sorry about posting the heading and omitting the content. Here it is.
Friday was another lovely day. Jess made banana, strawberry smoothies for breakfast after which I did my excersize and Jess swept the deck of all the twirlies whcih fell from the trees. Jess went off to the gym while I waited for a repair man to come. By the time Jess got back we were ready for lunch and off to the hairdresser. Chris returned home shortly after we did and I did my second set of excersizes and got ready to meet Lynda and Nathan for dinner and a movie. Sitting in the movie was long and my legs became very stiff. I guess I have to remember to get up once every hour to walk around a bit. I actually got a third set of excersizes in when we returned and felt quite accomplished.
Now it is probably time to cut back on the narcotics to see how I can manage. This morning I took only one tramacet and one hydoromorphone but now I am putting ice on my knees in preparation for excersize and I took a second tramacet because I can feel the stiffness in my knees and I know it will be difficult to do the excersizes. I will try to eliminate the hydormorphone at noon and see howI feel.
Until later today.
Friday, June 13, 2008
A few more pictures...
Maybe you'll find these offensive but you'll live.

These are the scars only three weeks after surgery. While some doctors use staples, Mom's used dissolvable stitches. I say they are healing very nicely! Hopefully she'll be able to stop wearing those crazy-tight stockings soon enough so she can get some moisture back into those suckers!

These are the scars only three weeks after surgery. While some doctors use staples, Mom's used dissolvable stitches. I say they are healing very nicely! Hopefully she'll be able to stop wearing those crazy-tight stockings soon enough so she can get some moisture back into those suckers!
A lovely day!
Today I had a lovely day. I spent the morning on my own doing excersize, chatting with Natasha at the daycare getting caught up and helping her out with some enrollment planning, sat on the deck and read and had lunch, had a nap and woke up to Jess who came to mamasit until Chris returns tomorrow.
Jess and I spent some quality time together chatting and then while I did my second round of excersize she did some much needed house cleaning and then we went out to the Promenade for Thai Express which I had a craving for. We met Carina and Rick and enjoyed a casual supper. Jess and I then went off to Loblaws to pick up a few groceries. This was my first time in a grocery store in three weeks. I feel like I am walking quite well at home, but when I am out in the public I envy people who take their mobility for granted as each step presents a challenge.
We got home and enjoyed some cherries and cupcakes and 100 cal. May Wests which Jess discovered and then Jess got busy posting some photos and a video of my progress. I hope you enjoy them.
We are now getting ready for bed.
Until tomorrow.
Jess and I spent some quality time together chatting and then while I did my second round of excersize she did some much needed house cleaning and then we went out to the Promenade for Thai Express which I had a craving for. We met Carina and Rick and enjoyed a casual supper. Jess and I then went off to Loblaws to pick up a few groceries. This was my first time in a grocery store in three weeks. I feel like I am walking quite well at home, but when I am out in the public I envy people who take their mobility for granted as each step presents a challenge.
We got home and enjoyed some cherries and cupcakes and 100 cal. May Wests which Jess discovered and then Jess got busy posting some photos and a video of my progress. I hope you enjoy them.
We are now getting ready for bed.
Until tomorrow.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Three weeks later - pictures and walking video!
First things first - ice those new knees for twenty minutes both before and after doing physio.
Second - enjoy some therapeutic time with Oliver. Or, get in a workout letting him in and out the door.
Next - use the stairs for some serious lunges.
Watch the video below to see her walking three weeks after bilateral knee replacement surgery. Then post your amazed and encouraging comments below!
A quiet day.
Today I decided that I was better off going through the book of excersizes that the hospital gave me rather than go to the physio who reduced the number of excersizes and eliminated the pressure to bend as much as possible and stretch as straight as possible. I think I am accomplishing much more on my own and have the St. John's Rehab appt. in one week where I know I will get a good work out.
I started off the day with a hot breakfast, for a change of egg and toast, took my meds and got ready for a good work out. That as usual knocked me out and by 1:00 p.m. I was sleeping like a baby until about 4:00 p.m. with various phone call interuptions.
My doctor finally called me and we reviewed all the necessary medications and appt. required in the next little while. Chris picked up the medication at the pharmacy and got ready for his conference in Niagara so I am on my own tonight with, of course, the company of my two furry friends. Jess is coming for a sleep over tomorrow and will escort me to the hair dresser and do some shopping in preparation for a Father's Day BBQ on Sunday.
I am feeling very frustratred with my left leg as it is quite stiff and achey compared to the right one. I expected that the excersizes would loosen up the stiffness and that I would be seeing more improvement day to day. After I do the excersize and then sleep I wake up with totally sore and hot legs with numbness in my feet. I really hope that this passes soon. I am having a very hard time doing more than one good workout per day. The second one is usually lame and I rarely get to the third. Hopefully this will ease up soon.
Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since my surgery and I honestly do not feel much better than I did after two weeks. Let's hope I see more improvement soon.
Until tomorrow.
I started off the day with a hot breakfast, for a change of egg and toast, took my meds and got ready for a good work out. That as usual knocked me out and by 1:00 p.m. I was sleeping like a baby until about 4:00 p.m. with various phone call interuptions.
My doctor finally called me and we reviewed all the necessary medications and appt. required in the next little while. Chris picked up the medication at the pharmacy and got ready for his conference in Niagara so I am on my own tonight with, of course, the company of my two furry friends. Jess is coming for a sleep over tomorrow and will escort me to the hair dresser and do some shopping in preparation for a Father's Day BBQ on Sunday.
I am feeling very frustratred with my left leg as it is quite stiff and achey compared to the right one. I expected that the excersizes would loosen up the stiffness and that I would be seeing more improvement day to day. After I do the excersize and then sleep I wake up with totally sore and hot legs with numbness in my feet. I really hope that this passes soon. I am having a very hard time doing more than one good workout per day. The second one is usually lame and I rarely get to the third. Hopefully this will ease up soon.
Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since my surgery and I honestly do not feel much better than I did after two weeks. Let's hope I see more improvement soon.
Until tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday& Tues. June 9th & 10th, 2008
Hello Again,
I seem to be getting behind in my blogging. One would think that staying at home would allow for lots of time to do all kinds of things, but I am finding that managing my time is quite challenging.
Yesterday I was scheduled for my second physiotherapy session at 9:00. Getting up, taking a shower and having breakfast takes double the time it usually would take to get going in the morning. Each time I do physio it begins with a 20 minute application of ice and ends with another 20 minute application of ice so I have to allow myself time to schedule the pain meds for one hour before physio and then include 40 minutes of ice and 40 minutes of excersize. The goal is to do this three times per day which has rarely actually happened. So as you can see my time is being well used.
After physio I went to the doctor for a blood test and was supposed to get the results today with a new perscription for blood thinners, but no phone call today. My gp is back from maternity leave and on her first day back she was not in and was not available today either. When I called her to get the results of the blood test and to ask for a repeat order of the pain meds the concern was that I had to come in to the office as I do not pay the annual fee for special orders. I offered to pay the annual fee figuring I may need additional last minute orders now, but rather than take care of my needs the receptionst told me to call in my order to the pharmacy and have them fax the order to my doctor. Still no phone call about the blood test or the repeat drug order. Next she will want me to come in and as I cannot drive, this is not so simple. Ugh! Our health system!
Today, I had a lovely visit from a physio from the Arthritis Society of Ontario. I had met her at a workshop I attended a few months ago and called the Society to search for a physio and she volunteered to come up and see how I was doing. She had more suggestions and information than the physio I have been going to and I am now wondering if I am wasting my time and money with them. I might just follow all the excersizes in the book the surgeon gave me as well as the tips this woman Bev suggested. The rule of thumb after knee replacement surgery is, as early as possible, to work on getting as much range of motion as possible, even if it is painful. The physio I am going to, has limited the excersizes to only a few and insists that I should not push. If there is pain I should stop. This is contrary to what I learned in the hospital. So I will have to make some decisions about this . My appt. at St. John's rehab is actually coming up in just over a week and they are supposed to be the guru's of post operative knee physio.
So today I did two rounds of excersizes so far and hope to do another on tonight before bed.
I had lovely news from my friend Lynda today. She is the proud grandmother of a second grandchild. A big welcome to baby Ariel Samuel. Can't wait to see little critter # 2 who apparently looks just like his big brother Josh. The fun begins.
So you are probably wondering how I am walking at this point. Jess will be here on Thursday so I will ask her to include a video of my progress. The worst part of walking is the getting up and sitting down as there is pressure on the joint at this time. When walking, I am not in pain, but I have to remind myself to bend my knees and to walk normally without compensating or protecting myself from pain. My left knee is stiffer than my right knee. I was hoping to be able to wean off the pain meds by now, but realize that that is not possible at this time. I tried to ignore my middle of the night meds and found myself not being able to sleep well. My goal now is to continue working hard to regain my mobility without pain. I have an appt. with the surgeon on July 2nd at the 6 week mark and will know more at that time. I have to keep reminding myself that it is only short of 3 weeks since the surgery so based on that, I am doing remarkably well.
Until Tomorrow,
I seem to be getting behind in my blogging. One would think that staying at home would allow for lots of time to do all kinds of things, but I am finding that managing my time is quite challenging.
Yesterday I was scheduled for my second physiotherapy session at 9:00. Getting up, taking a shower and having breakfast takes double the time it usually would take to get going in the morning. Each time I do physio it begins with a 20 minute application of ice and ends with another 20 minute application of ice so I have to allow myself time to schedule the pain meds for one hour before physio and then include 40 minutes of ice and 40 minutes of excersize. The goal is to do this three times per day which has rarely actually happened. So as you can see my time is being well used.
After physio I went to the doctor for a blood test and was supposed to get the results today with a new perscription for blood thinners, but no phone call today. My gp is back from maternity leave and on her first day back she was not in and was not available today either. When I called her to get the results of the blood test and to ask for a repeat order of the pain meds the concern was that I had to come in to the office as I do not pay the annual fee for special orders. I offered to pay the annual fee figuring I may need additional last minute orders now, but rather than take care of my needs the receptionst told me to call in my order to the pharmacy and have them fax the order to my doctor. Still no phone call about the blood test or the repeat drug order. Next she will want me to come in and as I cannot drive, this is not so simple. Ugh! Our health system!
Today, I had a lovely visit from a physio from the Arthritis Society of Ontario. I had met her at a workshop I attended a few months ago and called the Society to search for a physio and she volunteered to come up and see how I was doing. She had more suggestions and information than the physio I have been going to and I am now wondering if I am wasting my time and money with them. I might just follow all the excersizes in the book the surgeon gave me as well as the tips this woman Bev suggested. The rule of thumb after knee replacement surgery is, as early as possible, to work on getting as much range of motion as possible, even if it is painful. The physio I am going to, has limited the excersizes to only a few and insists that I should not push. If there is pain I should stop. This is contrary to what I learned in the hospital. So I will have to make some decisions about this . My appt. at St. John's rehab is actually coming up in just over a week and they are supposed to be the guru's of post operative knee physio.
So today I did two rounds of excersizes so far and hope to do another on tonight before bed.
I had lovely news from my friend Lynda today. She is the proud grandmother of a second grandchild. A big welcome to baby Ariel Samuel. Can't wait to see little critter # 2 who apparently looks just like his big brother Josh. The fun begins.
So you are probably wondering how I am walking at this point. Jess will be here on Thursday so I will ask her to include a video of my progress. The worst part of walking is the getting up and sitting down as there is pressure on the joint at this time. When walking, I am not in pain, but I have to remind myself to bend my knees and to walk normally without compensating or protecting myself from pain. My left knee is stiffer than my right knee. I was hoping to be able to wean off the pain meds by now, but realize that that is not possible at this time. I tried to ignore my middle of the night meds and found myself not being able to sleep well. My goal now is to continue working hard to regain my mobility without pain. I have an appt. with the surgeon on July 2nd at the 6 week mark and will know more at that time. I have to keep reminding myself that it is only short of 3 weeks since the surgery so based on that, I am doing remarkably well.
Until Tomorrow,
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sunday not much better than Saturday
Another off day. I was so enthusiastic about doing my physio three times daily. I had made that committment to myself last Friday and unfortunately the weekend put me right off schedule. Although yesterday started off nicely with breakfast, meds and my first round of excersizes, it finished off with a massive headache and a long sleep from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. I am feeling much better this morning, thank goodness.
I am not sure if it is the medication or my change in diet that brings on evening headaches periodically, but it certainly hit me hard yesterday and did not enable me to do my last two rounds of excersize.
We had a lovely lunch date with Lydia and Arnold yesterday, went to Moxies just north of Hwy 7, which is very lovely by the way. On our way home, Chris and I decided we needed a little change of scenery so we went off to the Pacific Mall and walked around a bit. When we got home we had a lovely visit from Anne, Shari's mom and then, with all good intentions I started icing my knees to prepare for my second round a excersizes but ended up falling asleep and waking up with a headache which led to more sleep and a worse headache and no appetite at all. I went up to bed at 9:00 and slept until this morning.
How do my knees feel, you are probably wondering. Like there are two cement blocks stuck in the middle of each leg. My feet still are numb and tingly and although I am pleased with my mobility, I wish my knees would lighten up and that I could bend them more. I am feeling frustrated and wish I could walk normally. I will have to be patient and hope that the physio does help. I am now off to my first set of excersizes and it is 7:15 a.m. At 9:00 I will go to physio when I will do my second set of physio. I am then off to the doctor for a blood test to ensure that the blood thinners are doing their job adequately. So today, I am hopeful that I will do 3 sets of excersizes and eat properly. Hopefully it will be a better day.
Until tonight,
I am not sure if it is the medication or my change in diet that brings on evening headaches periodically, but it certainly hit me hard yesterday and did not enable me to do my last two rounds of excersize.
We had a lovely lunch date with Lydia and Arnold yesterday, went to Moxies just north of Hwy 7, which is very lovely by the way. On our way home, Chris and I decided we needed a little change of scenery so we went off to the Pacific Mall and walked around a bit. When we got home we had a lovely visit from Anne, Shari's mom and then, with all good intentions I started icing my knees to prepare for my second round a excersizes but ended up falling asleep and waking up with a headache which led to more sleep and a worse headache and no appetite at all. I went up to bed at 9:00 and slept until this morning.
How do my knees feel, you are probably wondering. Like there are two cement blocks stuck in the middle of each leg. My feet still are numb and tingly and although I am pleased with my mobility, I wish my knees would lighten up and that I could bend them more. I am feeling frustrated and wish I could walk normally. I will have to be patient and hope that the physio does help. I am now off to my first set of excersizes and it is 7:15 a.m. At 9:00 I will go to physio when I will do my second set of physio. I am then off to the doctor for a blood test to ensure that the blood thinners are doing their job adequately. So today, I am hopeful that I will do 3 sets of excersizes and eat properly. Hopefully it will be a better day.
Until tonight,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A busy Saturday
Today, being Saturday, put me off my regular schedule.
We were honoured by the Rabbi to come up for an aliya in honour of our 33rd Wedding Anniversary. We had to be there by 9:00 so that I could practise what had to be said as Chris has no training whatsoever and no desire to read from the Torah. I had never been called up to the Torah as when I was growing up I went to an Orthodox synagogue so women were not given equal priviledges to men, which I actually did not mind at all at the time. Rick and Carina came at around 10:00 just before we were called up. We somehow fumbled through the short lines required and the Rabbi then made a special get well announcement about my two new knees, just implanted two weeks ago. He actually forgot to mention the Anniversary at all. Oh well. It was all very nice and everyone was very supportive of my bravery and my progress.
We went home for lunch and got ready for Chris to go to fitness. I decided to join him as I had not seen Carol, our personal trainer, in several weeks and thought it would be nice to catch up and watch Chris do his routine. While Chris did his thing, we chatted until I finally fell asleep. Once again, I had missed my morning nap and was drained.
We got back home at 4:30 and I went directly to bed. Chris did the laundry and grocery routine and I did not wake up until 7:30. Boy I hope I sleep tonight.
We got ready to go out for an Anniversary Dinner. We went to the Keg and totally enjoyed the outing. The surprising thing is that we brought home half of what we ordered. It is amazing how our appetites are not the way the used to be. We now have lunch for tomorrow awaiting us.
We watched a bit of TV. I did some of my excersizes while Chris did some work and now it is time to hit the sack.
I would consider today a typical weekend day, not to mention the exhaustion and the total knee stiffness. Tomorrow I must go back to doing my excersizes 3 times again or on Monday, I will be tortured at physio. Today I eliminated one of the pain killers. It seems that the pain is moving more towards a heavy, stiff feeling and hopefully I will no longer need so much heavy pain medication. I will see how it goes tomorrow doing the excersizes without the pain meds.
Until Tomorrow.
We were honoured by the Rabbi to come up for an aliya in honour of our 33rd Wedding Anniversary. We had to be there by 9:00 so that I could practise what had to be said as Chris has no training whatsoever and no desire to read from the Torah. I had never been called up to the Torah as when I was growing up I went to an Orthodox synagogue so women were not given equal priviledges to men, which I actually did not mind at all at the time. Rick and Carina came at around 10:00 just before we were called up. We somehow fumbled through the short lines required and the Rabbi then made a special get well announcement about my two new knees, just implanted two weeks ago. He actually forgot to mention the Anniversary at all. Oh well. It was all very nice and everyone was very supportive of my bravery and my progress.
We went home for lunch and got ready for Chris to go to fitness. I decided to join him as I had not seen Carol, our personal trainer, in several weeks and thought it would be nice to catch up and watch Chris do his routine. While Chris did his thing, we chatted until I finally fell asleep. Once again, I had missed my morning nap and was drained.
We got back home at 4:30 and I went directly to bed. Chris did the laundry and grocery routine and I did not wake up until 7:30. Boy I hope I sleep tonight.
We got ready to go out for an Anniversary Dinner. We went to the Keg and totally enjoyed the outing. The surprising thing is that we brought home half of what we ordered. It is amazing how our appetites are not the way the used to be. We now have lunch for tomorrow awaiting us.
We watched a bit of TV. I did some of my excersizes while Chris did some work and now it is time to hit the sack.
I would consider today a typical weekend day, not to mention the exhaustion and the total knee stiffness. Tomorrow I must go back to doing my excersizes 3 times again or on Monday, I will be tortured at physio. Today I eliminated one of the pain killers. It seems that the pain is moving more towards a heavy, stiff feeling and hopefully I will no longer need so much heavy pain medication. I will see how it goes tomorrow doing the excersizes without the pain meds.
Until Tomorrow.
Friday, June 6, 2008
On the Mend
Today was a day of progress. I felt more in control of my pain and was able to tidy up the house a little bit and proceed with 3 times daily home physio.
It started out as a planned mother and daughter day. As Chris had an all day meeting Jess was coming up to Thornhill for lunch and to chauffeur me to the hair dresser, the grocery store and then to the spa for a pedicure. I planned my medication and physio for 8:00, 1:00 and 8:00. I also, for the first time since my surgery had the patience to start a book. So I had breakfast, did my physio, tidied up the kitchen, began reading The Time Traveller's Wife, prepared lunch. Jess arrived at about noon, we ate, I did my physio and we prepared to go to my 3:00 p.m. hair appt. We then went to Longos and while Jess shopped in Longos, I bought a bread in Bagel Nash. We went home and Jess brought in the groceries and then off to the spa. We enjoyed relaxing pedicures and then went home. One of the parents and her child from the daycare came for a visit so we had a pleasant chit chat, ate MacMillan's Cookies and had a very nice visit. Thanks Karine and Nicole. It was very nice to see you both.
We prepared supper and then I did my last routine of physio. By then I was bushed. I dozed on the couch and watched a little TV. I am now waiting for the 11:00 p.m. news and then off to bed.
All in all, my knees feel like two frozen blocks of cement stuck in the middle of my legs. My feet go from being numb and tingly to normal. Only time will tell as to when these knees will begin to feel normal again. I am able to go upstairs with one cane and the bannister one foot after the other, but unfortunately coming down, I am unable to bend the left leg. I am not sure why because when I do the physio excersizes, my left leg does bend so why I am unable to bend it going down the stairs concerns me. I will ask the physiotherapist about this on Monday.
That's all for Friday, June 6th.
Until tomoorrow.
It started out as a planned mother and daughter day. As Chris had an all day meeting Jess was coming up to Thornhill for lunch and to chauffeur me to the hair dresser, the grocery store and then to the spa for a pedicure. I planned my medication and physio for 8:00, 1:00 and 8:00. I also, for the first time since my surgery had the patience to start a book. So I had breakfast, did my physio, tidied up the kitchen, began reading The Time Traveller's Wife, prepared lunch. Jess arrived at about noon, we ate, I did my physio and we prepared to go to my 3:00 p.m. hair appt. We then went to Longos and while Jess shopped in Longos, I bought a bread in Bagel Nash. We went home and Jess brought in the groceries and then off to the spa. We enjoyed relaxing pedicures and then went home. One of the parents and her child from the daycare came for a visit so we had a pleasant chit chat, ate MacMillan's Cookies and had a very nice visit. Thanks Karine and Nicole. It was very nice to see you both.
We prepared supper and then I did my last routine of physio. By then I was bushed. I dozed on the couch and watched a little TV. I am now waiting for the 11:00 p.m. news and then off to bed.
All in all, my knees feel like two frozen blocks of cement stuck in the middle of my legs. My feet go from being numb and tingly to normal. Only time will tell as to when these knees will begin to feel normal again. I am able to go upstairs with one cane and the bannister one foot after the other, but unfortunately coming down, I am unable to bend the left leg. I am not sure why because when I do the physio excersizes, my left leg does bend so why I am unable to bend it going down the stairs concerns me. I will ask the physiotherapist about this on Monday.
That's all for Friday, June 6th.
Until tomoorrow.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hello Everyone,
Yesterday was a typical day. Howerver, I did find that I was becoming more independant and was able to make my own meals and participate in the clean up as Chris had a meeting in the morning and my friend Lydia, couldn't make it after all.
I still hadn't arranged for a physiotherapist so I decided that today was the day. I went back to my list of physios in the area from the Ontario Assoc. of Physiotherapists and called the second one on the list. This time I got a real voice and was able to make a 3:00 appt. for that day so that was very satisfying.
I did my excersizes in the morning, rested, had lunch, rested in anticipation of doing more excersizes in the afternoon. This would be the first day that I do two sets of excersize in one day. Hopefully it won't be too challenging.
Chris got home at 2:00 giving us more than enough time to get to the physio on Highway 7 between Bayview and Leslie - perfect - not too far and not too close. The physio was very thorough and did a total assessment and was very complementary of the neat job my surgeon had done. He said he can get started immediately and suggested 3 x weekly for the first few weeks until I am more mobile and then more excersize at home than at the rehab. He has an assistant and a kinesth......., not sure of the spelling. But they worked well as a team and broke down the excersizes into smaller groups. They suggested that I do not do anything that hurts, but that I stretch as much as possible to challenge the muscles and stop when it hurts. This makes a lot more sense that exhausting yourself so that you are unable to move for the rest of the day. She sent me home with four excersizes to do between Friday and Monday and set me up with three appts. for next week - M, W and F. She said that I should be doing three sets of the four excersizes each day so I have my work cut out for me for the weekend. Finally a goal that is achievable.
We got home, Chris made a BBQ and fortunately my appetite is still not where it was so I ate small portions and am not gaining back my weight, relaxed a bit and got ready for bed.
I now feel motivated to get into my reading regimn. I will start with the book that Jess and Wendy recommended and continue from there. Any good book suggestions?
Today Jess is coming up to spend the afternoon with me. We may go for a pedicure and to the hairdresser. I can't reach my toes so a pedicure seems appropriate.
On Sunday Chris and I will be celebrating our 33rd wedding anniversary so we plan to go out for dinner tomorrow to celebrate. Sometime over the weekend, it will be time to put all the stuff back in the dining room breakfront and hand up all the pictures in the livingroom and diningroom.
Only 3 more months to Carina and Rick's Wedding. I guess it will soon be time to get the invitations going. My how time toes by. I really hope I will be up to dancing at the wedding. We shall see.
Until later,
Yesterday was a typical day. Howerver, I did find that I was becoming more independant and was able to make my own meals and participate in the clean up as Chris had a meeting in the morning and my friend Lydia, couldn't make it after all.
I still hadn't arranged for a physiotherapist so I decided that today was the day. I went back to my list of physios in the area from the Ontario Assoc. of Physiotherapists and called the second one on the list. This time I got a real voice and was able to make a 3:00 appt. for that day so that was very satisfying.
I did my excersizes in the morning, rested, had lunch, rested in anticipation of doing more excersizes in the afternoon. This would be the first day that I do two sets of excersize in one day. Hopefully it won't be too challenging.
Chris got home at 2:00 giving us more than enough time to get to the physio on Highway 7 between Bayview and Leslie - perfect - not too far and not too close. The physio was very thorough and did a total assessment and was very complementary of the neat job my surgeon had done. He said he can get started immediately and suggested 3 x weekly for the first few weeks until I am more mobile and then more excersize at home than at the rehab. He has an assistant and a kinesth......., not sure of the spelling. But they worked well as a team and broke down the excersizes into smaller groups. They suggested that I do not do anything that hurts, but that I stretch as much as possible to challenge the muscles and stop when it hurts. This makes a lot more sense that exhausting yourself so that you are unable to move for the rest of the day. She sent me home with four excersizes to do between Friday and Monday and set me up with three appts. for next week - M, W and F. She said that I should be doing three sets of the four excersizes each day so I have my work cut out for me for the weekend. Finally a goal that is achievable.
We got home, Chris made a BBQ and fortunately my appetite is still not where it was so I ate small portions and am not gaining back my weight, relaxed a bit and got ready for bed.
I now feel motivated to get into my reading regimn. I will start with the book that Jess and Wendy recommended and continue from there. Any good book suggestions?
Today Jess is coming up to spend the afternoon with me. We may go for a pedicure and to the hairdresser. I can't reach my toes so a pedicure seems appropriate.
On Sunday Chris and I will be celebrating our 33rd wedding anniversary so we plan to go out for dinner tomorrow to celebrate. Sometime over the weekend, it will be time to put all the stuff back in the dining room breakfront and hand up all the pictures in the livingroom and diningroom.
Only 3 more months to Carina and Rick's Wedding. I guess it will soon be time to get the invitations going. My how time toes by. I really hope I will be up to dancing at the wedding. We shall see.
Until later,
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A Long, Slow Day!
Hello again my friends.
Today was a long, slow day. I think I must plan an outing each day to get me motivated and prevent headaches.
Once again I was up early, took my pills, had breakfast and did my excersizes. Needless to say that caused extreme stiffness in my knees, but I decided I wasn't going to sleep the day away so I did some reading and started to look for private physio as the OHIP physio first appt. is not until June 19th. I think that is too long to wait for physio. So I contacted the Ontario Physio Assoc. and they helped me find a listing of physios in my neighbourhood. She said that OHIP phsios are paid $12 hrly and are far too busy and rushed to do a good job. That is really too bad. So I will keep the 19th appt. but hopefully hear back from the private physio who I left a message for to get started on the right foot or should I say both feet. I am feeling a little impatient right now as I am sensing that the left leg is not bending as well as the right and I do not yet see the benefits of the excersizes excpet that I can function like a stick man. Although the excersizes are supposed to help, they seem to cause more stiffness and I feel like I am starting all over the next day. Only time will tell.
By 3:00 I was exhausted and really felt like I needed to sleep so I guess cutting out the morning siesta was probably not the best idea. I decided to have an afternoon nap and asked Chris to hold all phone calls. But of course the phone did not stop ringing thus causing a very restless sleep. Ugh! When I woke up at 6:00 I was very stiff and had a headache. I think I will go back to the morning nap tomorrow.
The doctor called back with the results of my blood test and said that I have to have 1 additional mg. of blood thinner and come back for another test on Monday.
The good and not so good news is that my appetite is better so now I will have to go back to using will power to lose weight and not and not depend on loss of appetite.
Does anyone know where one can purchase 12 " long sterile bandages and TED stockings? I am having trouble find a supplier.
Tomorrow my friend Lydia is coming to babysit for me as Chris has a meetng to go to. Perhaps we will go out for a pedicure. I am having trouble reaching my toes. Thanks Lydia. Looking forward to seeing you.
We are now off to the pharmacy to get the additional mg of Warfarin and maybe off to the closest Rexall Pharmacy. They are quite fancy and might carry the bandages and stockings which I need.
Until tomorrow.
Today was a long, slow day. I think I must plan an outing each day to get me motivated and prevent headaches.
Once again I was up early, took my pills, had breakfast and did my excersizes. Needless to say that caused extreme stiffness in my knees, but I decided I wasn't going to sleep the day away so I did some reading and started to look for private physio as the OHIP physio first appt. is not until June 19th. I think that is too long to wait for physio. So I contacted the Ontario Physio Assoc. and they helped me find a listing of physios in my neighbourhood. She said that OHIP phsios are paid $12 hrly and are far too busy and rushed to do a good job. That is really too bad. So I will keep the 19th appt. but hopefully hear back from the private physio who I left a message for to get started on the right foot or should I say both feet. I am feeling a little impatient right now as I am sensing that the left leg is not bending as well as the right and I do not yet see the benefits of the excersizes excpet that I can function like a stick man. Although the excersizes are supposed to help, they seem to cause more stiffness and I feel like I am starting all over the next day. Only time will tell.
By 3:00 I was exhausted and really felt like I needed to sleep so I guess cutting out the morning siesta was probably not the best idea. I decided to have an afternoon nap and asked Chris to hold all phone calls. But of course the phone did not stop ringing thus causing a very restless sleep. Ugh! When I woke up at 6:00 I was very stiff and had a headache. I think I will go back to the morning nap tomorrow.
The doctor called back with the results of my blood test and said that I have to have 1 additional mg. of blood thinner and come back for another test on Monday.
The good and not so good news is that my appetite is better so now I will have to go back to using will power to lose weight and not and not depend on loss of appetite.
Does anyone know where one can purchase 12 " long sterile bandages and TED stockings? I am having trouble find a supplier.
Tomorrow my friend Lydia is coming to babysit for me as Chris has a meetng to go to. Perhaps we will go out for a pedicure. I am having trouble reaching my toes. Thanks Lydia. Looking forward to seeing you.
We are now off to the pharmacy to get the additional mg of Warfarin and maybe off to the closest Rexall Pharmacy. They are quite fancy and might carry the bandages and stockings which I need.
Until tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tuesday Night Out
I actually feel somewhat back to normal tonight, but am getting used to being treated as a handicapped person. After a brief afternoon rest, I changed and we headed out to see Jess in the Reeces Pieces Band. We got comfortable seats right at the back so I didn't have to go down too many stairs. The theatre was full of families, children, husbands, wives, grandchildren and friends of the musicians. The average age of the musicians was 70 so Jessica was the baby in the band. They played a variety of lovely music includinga March by Johann Strauss, highlights of Fiddler on the Roof, a selection of Queen music, William Tell Overture, Disco, highlights from Exodus, a selection of Star Wars songs, songs from the 20's which brought tears to my eyes as my Mom used to sing these to me when I was a child. She would have loved the show with all the small children dancing and clapping in the isles. There was also a small klezmir band who did a rendition of wedding songs from Eastern Europe in the early 1900's. I was surprised to see one of our old friends of friends playing in the band. Linda and Rob, if you are reading this blog, let Jules know we really enjoyed his KlezKonnection Band. It was a lovely show and we were very proud of Jessica. Her partner trumpiter is an 86 year man wh0 depends on Jess to repeat what the conductor says as he is very hard of hearing. It was so nice to see the young and old enjoying music together. My Mom was also very involved in creating intergenerational programs at the Golden Age Assoc. many years ago and here was a sample of what she strived for. In the middle of the show all of the children in the audience came up on stage and were given shakers and the band serenaded them to the William Tell Overture. I felt like I was at the Winter Festival at the daycare. The childen took it very seriously and did a wonderfull job without any rehearsal.
After the show we went out for a light bite with Carina, Rick and Jess and for the first time in a while I actually did have an appetite and enjoyed a variety of salads, a few of Chris's postatoes and shared a small pizza with the gang. Oh by the way I was the Biggest Loser this week. I lost 5 lbs. while in the hospital. Hopefully I can keep this off and continue losing.
So despite the fact that it was a somewhat tough day, it ended on a very nice note and I feel fine tonight - no headache.
I have just swallowed several pills and am hopefully going to be able to watch the first Canadian Idol show at midnight as we missed it at 8:00 p.m.
Until tomorrow,
Hope you are enjoying my blog. It appears that there are several of you who are having trouble posting your comments. If you cannot comment on the blog, please send me your comments at marilyn.neuman@rogers.com. I will try to help you figure out what the problem is. I would love to hear from you.
After the show we went out for a light bite with Carina, Rick and Jess and for the first time in a while I actually did have an appetite and enjoyed a variety of salads, a few of Chris's postatoes and shared a small pizza with the gang. Oh by the way I was the Biggest Loser this week. I lost 5 lbs. while in the hospital. Hopefully I can keep this off and continue losing.
So despite the fact that it was a somewhat tough day, it ended on a very nice note and I feel fine tonight - no headache.
I have just swallowed several pills and am hopefully going to be able to watch the first Canadian Idol show at midnight as we missed it at 8:00 p.m.
Until tomorrow,
Hope you are enjoying my blog. It appears that there are several of you who are having trouble posting your comments. If you cannot comment on the blog, please send me your comments at marilyn.neuman@rogers.com. I will try to help you figure out what the problem is. I would love to hear from you.
My Third Day at Home
I'm back. I took a little break yesterday as I was not feeling too well last night, headache, weak and tired. I went to bed by 10:00 and slept well again and woke up feeling much better in the morning. So I took advantage of getting an early start to the day, took my pain meds and was ready for hard core physio at 7:30 a.m. I am clearly paying for it now. I fell asleep at 10:00 and woke up at about noon feeling awful, tight, hot legs and aching in my left knee. I thought nothing of it as this is how I felt after the physio put me through the ringer in the hospital so I rested and drank lots of water. When Chris came back from a meeting, he made me a yummy bowl of chicken noodle soup which is all I really could stomach.
At two we went off to the doctor to have my ira (blood consistency) taken. I shared some of my other concerns with the doctor ie numb tingling feet and toes and she is sending me to a neurologist. After leaving the doctor, Chris picked up some strawberries, cherries and grapes at a local fruit stand next to the doctor's office. Fruit is one of the few things I can eat right now. On our way home from the doctor I started to feel a tightness in my left calf and some risidual pain in the inner side of my left knee probably from the excersize. Of course I immediately think of the worse case senario (blood clot). The doctor had told me that if I get extremem chest pain or calf pain I should go immediately to the hospital as this is a common serious occurence after bilateral knee replacement. The question is "Is this severe or not?" I really do not know. I called back the doctor and am still waiting for her to call me back. Clearly she does not take these phone calls too seriously.
Just arriving home, I got a sick feeling in my stomach and I won't tell you the rest of that. I will leave it up to your imagination, but will tell you I now feel much better. I trekked up the stairs to my personal raised toilet and decided to write in my blog before going back down as I do feel a lot better right now.
Tonight Jess is playing in the band at the Leah Poslun's Theatre at 7:30. We are meeting Carina and Rick there so hopefully I will do fine and enjoy the show. It is now time for some cherries and a rest to get ready for my first official outing. I hope it works out o.k.
Until tomorrow and hopefully a better day.
At two we went off to the doctor to have my ira (blood consistency) taken. I shared some of my other concerns with the doctor ie numb tingling feet and toes and she is sending me to a neurologist. After leaving the doctor, Chris picked up some strawberries, cherries and grapes at a local fruit stand next to the doctor's office. Fruit is one of the few things I can eat right now. On our way home from the doctor I started to feel a tightness in my left calf and some risidual pain in the inner side of my left knee probably from the excersize. Of course I immediately think of the worse case senario (blood clot). The doctor had told me that if I get extremem chest pain or calf pain I should go immediately to the hospital as this is a common serious occurence after bilateral knee replacement. The question is "Is this severe or not?" I really do not know. I called back the doctor and am still waiting for her to call me back. Clearly she does not take these phone calls too seriously.
Just arriving home, I got a sick feeling in my stomach and I won't tell you the rest of that. I will leave it up to your imagination, but will tell you I now feel much better. I trekked up the stairs to my personal raised toilet and decided to write in my blog before going back down as I do feel a lot better right now.
Tonight Jess is playing in the band at the Leah Poslun's Theatre at 7:30. We are meeting Carina and Rick there so hopefully I will do fine and enjoy the show. It is now time for some cherries and a rest to get ready for my first official outing. I hope it works out o.k.
Until tomorrow and hopefully a better day.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
My first day at home
was busy but wonerful. I had the best sleep I have had in two weeks. At 9:00 I got up, washed and started getting used to getting around the house. I realized that I do not need someone right beside me when going up and down the stairs. I realized that I could get around without the walker and or canes as long as I am close to the counter, wall etc. My balance isn't really the problem. It is the pain of getting up and sitting down that is the most stressful.
After breakfast, I figured out a medication schedule so that I know what I need to take in the am and what I need to take in the pm and what needs four hour intervals as needed and what needs six hour intervals as needed.
I then started my half hour of morning exersizes torchuring myself to bend my knees in as far as possible and then stretching them as straight as possible. Just lifting up my legs towards my buttocks is so strained. I can barely lift the legs off the ground. Somewhat discouraging but it is only the first day home.
Then off to my favourite hairdresser Ozzie. Fortunately she is open on Sundays in her home so I was able to make a 12:15 appt. and then we picked up Jess at the subway station and went home for lunch. Jess was so helpful in sorting out stuff in the family room and purging old stuff that we just got accustomed to looking at but really were old, faded and ready for the garbage.
It looks like for the next 6 wks. I will have to depend on Chris to chauffeur me around to appt. physio etc. After knee replacement surgery car insurance does not cover you for six weeks. On July 2nd I will see my doctor and she will be able to vouch for my abilities to drive and assess my progress. It still feels like I have quite a way to go.
This afternoon Jess's delightful friends D'Arcy and Wendy came for a visit and they totally cheered me up. D'Arcy was the best foot warmer and Wendy brought delightful flowers. Later Glenda and Clive came by for nice conversation and brought a yummy chocolate cake. Everything in moderation, I say. The good news is that I lost 5 lbs. during the time I was in the hospital so watch out Biggest Loser Neuman Edition. I am about to win this weigh in tomorrow.
Chris cooked a yummy potroast for supper and then we relaxed, watched some TV, chatted with friends on MSN and prepared for bed. So that brings us to now. Time for bed. Hope I sleep well again tonight. That certainly cannot hurt the healing process.
Until tomorrow,
After breakfast, I figured out a medication schedule so that I know what I need to take in the am and what I need to take in the pm and what needs four hour intervals as needed and what needs six hour intervals as needed.
I then started my half hour of morning exersizes torchuring myself to bend my knees in as far as possible and then stretching them as straight as possible. Just lifting up my legs towards my buttocks is so strained. I can barely lift the legs off the ground. Somewhat discouraging but it is only the first day home.
Then off to my favourite hairdresser Ozzie. Fortunately she is open on Sundays in her home so I was able to make a 12:15 appt. and then we picked up Jess at the subway station and went home for lunch. Jess was so helpful in sorting out stuff in the family room and purging old stuff that we just got accustomed to looking at but really were old, faded and ready for the garbage.
It looks like for the next 6 wks. I will have to depend on Chris to chauffeur me around to appt. physio etc. After knee replacement surgery car insurance does not cover you for six weeks. On July 2nd I will see my doctor and she will be able to vouch for my abilities to drive and assess my progress. It still feels like I have quite a way to go.
This afternoon Jess's delightful friends D'Arcy and Wendy came for a visit and they totally cheered me up. D'Arcy was the best foot warmer and Wendy brought delightful flowers. Later Glenda and Clive came by for nice conversation and brought a yummy chocolate cake. Everything in moderation, I say. The good news is that I lost 5 lbs. during the time I was in the hospital so watch out Biggest Loser Neuman Edition. I am about to win this weigh in tomorrow.
Chris cooked a yummy potroast for supper and then we relaxed, watched some TV, chatted with friends on MSN and prepared for bed. So that brings us to now. Time for bed. Hope I sleep well again tonight. That certainly cannot hurt the healing process.
Until tomorrow,
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