Thursday, July 17, 2008

Getting off Pain Meds

It is certainly not easy. Everything seems to hurt. My toes, my hips, my fingers, my thumb joints, and of course my knees which actually hurt less than the other places, but just feel tight and give me sudden jolts of pain if I twist or move suddenly.

I hardly slept last night - maybe for 4 hours if that. I was either hot or cold, felt stuffed up like I had a cold or felt bloated and just plan could not find a comfortable position.

It is now 6:11. I think I will get up, shower, and prepare for work. Maybe I will drive to Finch to get an early start instead of waking Chris up so early. I have been going to and from work by subway and Chris has been my chauffeur. Twice a week he takes me to physio first thing in the morning, waits for me and then drops me off at the subway. I found that driving with the stop and go rush hour traffic, my right knee became more painful.

Right now, since I have been off the drugs and just taking tylenol, the right side of the front of my right knee is painful and the back of my left knee is painful. I really hope this improves and that it is not an indication that something is wrong.

I felt soooooo good on the drugs. I wish I could live on them. But I know that is not a viable option so I will continue to plug away. On Friday I will go to my GP and see what she suggests.

Until then,



Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work....We knew it will take time. Maybe they can give you something stronger than Alieve but not narcotic..Tylenol does nothing for me but Alieve does and so does Ibprofen.Hope the Dr can help you. Love you...Yvette.

Anonymous said...

HI Marilyn,

I have been following your progress on your blog and it sounds like such a hard time but you are such a trooper. Funny, they just had an article in our local paper about a similar situation of a guy who was in an accident and said it was so hard to get off of the pain meds. It sounds like you need more and more eventually and thats why people get so addicted. You think they could invent a non addictive nice pain releiver. :) Hang in there and we have been thinking of you. Oh, they also mentioned in the article about pain specialists, maybe they can prescribe something that works...........

Love you! Bobbi